Is there an edge to the rain, Mummy??

That is the question that came from Daniel, as we drove towards a very cloudy sky, earlier today. In Africa, the sky is always changing and you can see the weather miles away. You can see the ‘edge’ to the rain. ‘Can you see out of the rain to where there is no rain, if you are close enough to the edge?’ chimed in Patrick. Great questions, arising because of a beautiful, expressive sky, loaded with rain clouds. Yes, we have had rain. Yesterday it rained hard most of the day. A friend came by in the morning and together we looked at 1 John 1, and prayed. There was much to pray for, and we inevitably pleaded for rain. The same day the newspaper declared that 3.5 million people would starve in the Lower Shire Region. Just the night before, I had passed a neighbour, who told me she was hungry. The pump which supplies our village is broken, and so people are without even water. I wonder how God will meet all these needs.
It didn’t take long before the rain began to come. The boys ran outside, dancing and shouting. They played in a gigantic mud puddle that quickly formed on all sides, creating rivers and dams, and getting covered in mud. We could hear rejoicing everywhere. Did the rain come in time to get a crop in before April? We hope so. Everyone was in their fields today, busily planting. Even as I type, the rain is coming down heavily outside. Praise God! He waters the earth, and cools the soil.

There is an ‘edge’ to this rain though. It is a very wet edge. Many of the houses are not well water-proofed. Two of my neighbours, Mercy and Douzane, came by to ask if we had any plastic sheeting. Everything in their homes was wet. Peter popped by this morning, asking if we had duct tape to mend the holes in his roof. Mo is at the hospital to pick up Peter’s wife and brand new baby girl. Imagine bringing a baby back to a home with a leaky roof. Life is not easy.

And yet, these same friends were rejoicing in the rain, because they know they can plant now. There is another gift that comes with the rain, which you and I might not see. Mercy and Douzane were among those who gathered around our outside lights last night to gather the large flying ants. Apparently they are quite tasty, once you remove their wings, and fry them up. It was amazing to see hundreds of these bugs swarming around each light.

Rain is a blessing, but it requires action – fixing roofs, planting crops. In thinking about the ‘edge’, I wonder if there is an ‘edge’ to the Word which waters our hearts. As we draw near to the Father, we will see more of his heart, which will move us to action. We can’t stay as we were. I am learning what it means to love with the love of the Father. I need more. What I have is not enough. I become discouraged and empty too quickly. I must have more love to give!


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